On Sunday We Print

In early March, as my community entered lock down, I joined others across the planet watching the COVID-19 pandemic unfold.  Checking in on a dear friend in Chicago, she replied with a simple text…I keep panic buying wine and chocolate.  Inspired, I composed a small print using an assortment of my wooden type and posted it to my virtual community on March 18.  Over the next few Sundays, I was motivated by quips and quotes and made other small prints, which I shared online.  What emerged was a weekly ritual of printing small-batch posters inspired from the week’s prior events.  From documenting the public health crises of COVID-19 and racism, the people’s movement and political activism, to the weight of so much loss and pain, these weekly prints — collectively called On Sunday We Print — have become my diary.  I have printed consistently every Sunday (sometimes twice if the week was quite intense) since May 3, 2020. 

Each letterpress poster is hand-inked and printed on acid-free 98lb matte paper (9×12 or 11×14) using a Vandercook I press. All posters are part of a limited edition and printed at the SJP studio located in Washington, DC.

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